Did we create God or did God create us?

I believe that each one of us, in one form or another, believes in God. Of course God means different things to different people. We all put something first in our lives and whatever that something is, it is our God. It could be our husbands or our wives, our children or our parents, our mentors, our bosses, our politicians, even ourselves, or any other type of person who has great influence in our lives. It could also be something inanimate like our money, our career, our status, our power, our influence, our culture, our cause. It is the person or thing we trust most, without which we would have nothing to live for. Ultimately, we create our God from one of these things.

But, of course, there is another way to look at it; another perspective that should be considered. That is the view that we didn’t create God, but that God exists outside of time and space and that He created each of one of us. If that is the case then everything will be seen in a different light. If we believe that God created us then it is likely that we may be wholly accountable to Him, devoted to doing what He wants us to do, holding to the belief that God values each of us equally without regard for race, gender, class, wealth, status, reputation, education, career, or any other measurable man-made standard.

It follows then, that if God created us, He loves us and He wants the best for us. Likewise, if we created God then it remains true that we want Him (or Her or It) to provide for us and make us happy. The question is, by which means does God make provision for our happiness, our well-being, our future in each of those two scenarios. Perhaps this is a question we can explore further in a future post

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