Would you continue your current life forever?

Have you ever thought about what’s going to happen to you when you die? Many possibilities can be considered. Maybe you simply cease to exist. Maybe you go into another realm. If you believe, in some form, that God created you, then you may conclude that your post-life fate depends on what you believe He expects of you. You surmise that if the good outweighs the bad then you’ll have a blessed afterlife or, conversely, if the bad outweighs the good then perhaps you’ll be cursed. Personally, I don’t think that’s how it works, but we’ll talk about this concept more in an upcoming post.

For now, I just wonder; would you be content to simply continue in the life you currently have at the time of your death? Obviously, the answer to that question could vary tremendously depending on what kind of life you currently have.

A young, healthy, vibrant person might elect–and with good reason–to march forth in death with the same body, mind, and spirit they possessed in life before they were, perhaps unexpectedly, swept away to the great hereafter. Even an older person who, having kept themself in good shape and happily immersed in countless fascinating activities, might be strongly tempted to continue on in death exactly the same as when they left life. For a person who was either very old and ailing from nature’s physical impact on their body, or one who was still young but had to deal with severe physical disabilities, or anyone who was burdened with insurmountable mental or emotional challenges, it probably would not be so appealing to resume–in death–the same kind of pain they endured in life. Whatever your first instinct is, keep in mind that this would go on indefinitely. Maybe even so long as…forever?

Speaking for myself, I don’t think I would choose to continue in that way, even under the most ideal conditions. No matter how healthy I was, how stimulating and fulfilling my days, how financially stable I had become, I would not want to go on that way forever. I believe it would eventually become for me, tiresome, and I would want something different. Much less would I long to continue my current life, post-death, if I did not have a good, strong body, or the ability to enjoy things because of my mental state, or the financial means to do the things I desired, or a beloved person with whom I could share my life (or death, as the case would be). Most assuredly for me it would be pure misery to live my life (death) in this way! In all honesty, I fear that it would become a living Hell. Possibly worse, a living Hell…for eternity? And yet, I like to think there could be another choice, a better choice. That’s the one I would want! How about you?