Take Me to Where You Are
I created this new piece in memory of Suni, my wife, who is now in Heaven. My emotions were quite mixed, actually bittersweet as I was developing this song. First, it gave me an overwhelming sense of sadness and longing since I still miss her so greatly! But In...
All caterpillars metamorphosize; but into what?
I was reading an article today that addresses the question: Do all caterpillars become butterflies? I guess I assumed that they all did, but that was not exactly true. This article (I’ll reference it here) was explaining that all caterpillars go through a metamorphosis but only some of them...
If you play Beethoven wrong, do you blame Beethoven?
So many people (including myself, at an earlier time) have vowed never to be a Christian, saying that they are all hypocrites! And while I disagree with the assertion that Christians are all hypocrites, I can’t deny that some Christians’ (and also non-Christians’) actions are often contradictory to what...
Adjusting to Being Alone
Last time I wrote anything at all on this blog was on November 12th, 2022, just six days before my wife Suni went Home to Heaven. I ended that post by stating I would probably write about it more, once I had recovered from her passing. Well, I’m finally...
Losing Friends and now my Best Friend
As if it were yesterday, I remember being a kid and playing with all my friends in the neighborhood. Nearly every day we would engage in a football game or some other type of sport until we were throughly exhausted…and then some. We started early and continued throughout the...
The Producer, The Screenwriter, The Director and the Actors
I often think about how the “Trinity” can be clearly explained to someone who is new to Christianity. Even most non-Christians know that the Trinity consists of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. But it seems very confusing. They ask, either silently to themselves, or verbally to...
Time and Tide
Similar to most of the songs I’m posting here, this one goes way back to around 1996 or so. I named it Time and Tide because it just felt like the strong tide coming in with a soft breeze in the evening. As I think about it now, possibly...
Pharisee or Tax Collector?
Most Christians and many non-Christians are familiar with the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14). I was looking at this one recently and I thought about it differently than I usually do. For a quick summary, the parable talks about two men, one a highly...
Give Me Jesus
This is the first song I’m adding to my “Gospel Standards” playlist. It’s a traditional Christian song that appears to have come from African American tradition during the era of slavery. It has been sung from hymnals since the 1860s and widely recorded by artists around the world. It...
Politics = Faith or Faith = Politics?
I think this is a very consequential topic today! To slightly restate the title in more detail, do you think people choose their “religion” (i.e. belief methodology) based on their political views or do their political views arise as a product of their faith? Following is my take on...