Category: Faith

All caterpillars metamorphosize; but into what?

I was reading an article today that addresses the question: Do all caterpillars become butterflies? I guess I assumed that they all did, but that was not exactly true. This article (I’ll reference it here) was explaining that all caterpillars go through a metamorphosis but only some of them...

If you play Beethoven wrong, do you blame Beethoven?

So many people (including myself, at an earlier time) have vowed never to be a Christian, saying that they are all hypocrites! And while I disagree with the assertion that Christians are all hypocrites, I can’t deny that some Christians’ (and also non-Christians’) actions are often contradictory to what...

Blasphemy, Sedition, and Barabbas

I recently listened to a livestream broadcast of a sermon that describes the process by which Jesus is condemned to die on the cross. In this rendering of the story from the gospel of Luke, the Sanhedrin (Jewish governing council of priests) is charging Jesus with blasphemy against God,...

We all need to be plugged in…but into what?

The other day I was trying to straighten out all the cords that are attached to my computers, TVs, keyboards; anything electric or electronic. Many of them were tangled up and it took a bit of time to trace them all the way from the electrical outlet to the...

How Does (or how should) Prayer Work

Lately, I’ve been going through a lot of painful things in my life. Of course, everybody goes through difficult trials and tribulations (John 16:33), and I know I’m not alone when it comes to suffering. Somehow, we usually get through these things, one way or another. Many people pray...

“Organized Religion”

I’ve been wanting to write something that helps explain why so many people are averse to looking at Christianity or getting involved in any kind of faith, Christian or otherwise. First, I looked at Merriam-Webster’s definition of “Organized Religion”: “A belief system that has large numbers of followers and...

Will your GPS will get you “there”?

I know this has become a common metaphor in recent years, but I just wanted to put my own version of it out there. Most of us use smart phones (or even smart cars) for navigating precisely to where we want to go. We set the destination on our...

Church services local and remote

When the Covid-19 pandemic took hold early in 2020, most churches were not allowed to conduct regular in-person services for many weeks, sometimes months … and even longer in some churches. This was difficult for churchgoers in all kinds of ways. Learning together, worshiping, singing, fellowshipping with other believers,...

Would you continue your current life forever?

Have you ever thought about what’s going to happen to you when you die? Many possibilities can be considered. Maybe you simply cease to exist. Maybe you go into another realm. If you believe, in some form, that God created you, then you may conclude that your post-life fate...